29 Things to do Before 29

Some of these tiny goals may seem silly (don’t worry—I have some big, less measurable goals I’m working on). But year after year I enjoy reflecting on the prior year and the fun times had. So here goes another round!
- Apply to MFA programs
- Get into an MFA program
- Start an MFA program
- Maintain a daily writing routine
- Have 450 total ‘read books on Goodreads
- Read Infinite Jest
- Go to the top of the Prudential Tower in Boston
- Go on a trip to either Wales, Ireland, Scotland, or ALL
- Revive my jotting notebook routine
- Go on a silent retreat (self-directed is fine)
- Starting carrying thank you cards with me
- Don’t kill my new plant
- Get a grown up backpack
- Go on a walk at least once a week
- Find a meditation routine that works for me
- Redecorate my apartment
- Send 1 pitch a month
- Learn more about poetry (class or book)
- Use my new Boston Museum of Fine Arts museum pass at least 3 times
- Write notes to writers if I liked reading their books or articles
- Really, memorize my husband’s phone number
- Put clothes out the night before to save time in the mornings
- Keep in touch, initiate some kind of friend thing once a month
- Get a fancy light alarm clock
- Go to Montreal
- See Waitress in New York
- Gracefully accept compliments
- Bring reusable bags to the grocery store
- Continue the hard work of figuring out who I am, what fuels me, what burns me out, and what ultimately brings happiness